Monday, August 1, 2022

Support The Farmers T Shirt. Our Food Supply Is Under Attack

 Support The Farmers T Shirt. Our Food Supply Is Under Attack

Support The Farmers

This Is Serious

 Our food supply really is under attack and it's not funny.

The WEF agenda being imposed by the Dutch, New Zealand and Canadian governments will affect our food supplies in many ways. Other governments plan to follow soon.

There will be shortages and in some cases zero availability and of course as production falls so the price will rise due to supply and demand.

If we accept this now we will be eating bill gates's medicated bugs before we know it and the alternatives will be destroyed if we do not stand up now.

The tag line on the shirt says it all. You cannot feed yourself or your family with politicians lies. We need real food and our farmers must be protected from these maniacs.

Get Yours Here Support The Farmers

Thanks for the visit. 


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