Monday, November 9, 2020

Face Mask Exempt Badge UK

 Face Mask Exempt Badge UK

Face Mask Exempt Badge
UK Face Mask Exempt Badge

Many people in the UK are unable to wear face masks for a wide variety of reasons. The government legislation currently in force allows you exemption from wearing a face covering if you meet certain conditions.

These conditions are explained on their blog Here

187CryptoPack produces the best UK face mask exemption badge as part of a package that comes with a lanyard and badge holder plus 4 extra badges. You also get a strip of exemption stickers to attach to personal items or mark out your own 2 metre area.

You get

  • 5 Face mask exempt badges
  • 1 Plastic Card Holder
  • 1 Lanyard (Health & Safety Approved)
  • 5 Exemption Stickers
  • Free 1st Class Postage (UK) 

Only £4.49 

They are available directly from their blog and on ebay for same day dispatch.

Blog Link : Face Mask Exempt Badge UK

Ebay Link : Face Mask Exemption Card

Thanks for visiting today.

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